PIERROT GOURMAND is the household name in French confectionery which has brought delight to children and adults alike for more than 120 years. In 1924, Georges Evrard invented the first lollipop: a simple hard candy made of flavoured and coloured sugar, shaped like an arrowhead and mounted on a wooden stick – which allowed people to enjoy their candy without getting their fingers dirty.
Nowadays, PIERROT GOURMAND masters the production of confectionery with quality ingredients, natural colours and flavours, and with infinite shapes and recipes, satisfying even the most specific requirements.

Fizzy Cola
Shelf life : 36 months
Net weight : 80g
Sales packaging : plastic pouch
Packing : 20 units
Also available in 2kg bulk plastic pouch

The PIERROT GOURMAND gummies range uses no artificial colours or flavours, ensuring a natural and delicious taste.